Applied Research
For communities
Climate change adaptation program
The PA Adaptation Project is a regional project that aims to identify and implement measures to reduce the current and future impacts of coastal erosion and flooding in communities at risk on the Acadian Peninsula. Adaptation to climate change requires the implementation of several complementary measures on the same territory to ensure real security for the population and infrastructure. Possible solutions are available on a separate site which you can consult here.
Ecosystem Restoration
We advocate responsible exploitation of our natural resources. These best practices have not always been part of the culture of exploitation of traditional resources. Valorēs strives to offer simple and practical approaches to restore ecosystems and provide solutions for owners of sites that have been overexploited.
Sustainable development
Analysis and evaluation
Valorēs offers technical and scientific services to organizations of all types aimed at achieving sustainable development. The application of resource recovery principles includes the recovery of production residues. What is waste for one organization has the potential to become a primary resource for other organizations.
For Research Institutions and Scientists
Specific research projects
Scientists in public or private teams can submit a request to us to use Valorēs specialized equipment and take advantage of the skills of our teams. Agreements for research and use of equipment are established before the implementation of the project.