Applied Research: For the industry

Peatlands and soils


Valorēs has been a leader in research and development in the peat sector for several decades by continuing the work of the Peat Research and Development Center (PRDC). 

Valorēs provides technical and scientific services to the peat industry to optimize the use of peatlands and the resources they contain

Services Offered:

  • Environmental impact studies, 
  • Restoration plans, 
  • Employee training, 
  • Performance evaluation of horticultural substrates, 
  • Analysis of water properties, 
  • Support in innovation and sphagnum cultivation 

MEASURE: Soil health

According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), food production will have to increase in the coming years to meet the growing needs of the world population. However, achieving adequate food production for global human nutrition faces the problem of insufficient resources and sometimes inadequate management. It then becomes increasingly clear that maintaining and improving the health of cultivated soils is a collective responsibility. Valorēs offers expertise in soil health for agriculture and horticulture operations. Our goal is to help better understand and improve soil management and other growth substrates to prevent soil degradation and preserve their multiple functions. Improved knowledge of soil composition (physical, hydric and chemical) makes it possible to support a more sustainable use of agricultural soils and allows a constant improvement of horticultural substrates.

Services Offered:

  • Soil health analysis services 
  • Water property analysis services, 
  • Soil physical property analysis services, 
  • Evaluation of growth substrates, 
  • Assessment of "organic" agricultural inputs. 
  • Environmental impact studies. 

INNOVATE: Agronomy, horticulture and berries

Analysis and valuation

Valorēs offers technical and scientific services to companies in the agricultural and horticultural sectors in order to enhance sustainable use of soil resources.

Services Offered:

  • Soil health analysis services 
  • Water properties analysis services, 
  • Soil physical property analysis services, 
  • Evaluation of growth substrates, 
  • Assessment of "organic" agricultural inputs. 
  • Environmental impact studies, 
  • Restoration plans, re-vegetation of bare areas, 
  • Support for fruit conservation, 
  • Micropropagation service for the establishment of seed banks.

Coastal environment

Rising sea levels and gradually increasing coastal erosion have given rise to the Coastal Research Institute. The Acadian Peninsula Adaptation Project is a regional project that aims to identify and implement measures to reduce the current and future impacts of coastal erosion and flooding in communities at risk on the Acadian Peninsula. A methodical approach aims to help communities assess the risk, define risk areas, prioritize actions in these areas, assess strategies, but above all establish a long-term action plan.

INNOVATION: Pre-industrial dryer, lighter, longer shelf life

Uncompromising quality 

Our new pre-industrial dryer opens up a whole new range of possibilities for your business. This new process extends shelf life, preserves nutritional qualities, reduces weight and creates new outlets for your products and by-products. 
This pre-industrial dryer allows you to dry berries, agricultural products of all kinds. We rely on technology that will have the advantage to retain the maximum nutritional value of products and have access to laboratories to measure results. A simple call to our business development team and we will arrange to meet with you.